Why Book 3?

An Explanation of the Anomalies of--actually, just read the article

Posted by Karl Bickerstaff on Sat, Aug 17, 2019
In News, Books
Tags antediluvian inception

It may be confusing to some of you to go to the books page and see An Antediluvian Anachronism listed as “Book Three of The Recollections of Three.” While there are brief descriptions of the scenario on the About page and on the Leanpub page for the book, I would like to take this opportunity to fully explain the entire situation, beginning with the history of The Ingenious Three.

It began with Tobias Hrothgar. I can’t tell you everything, because it would give away the plot of Tobias’s own book, The Ingenious Inception, which is Book One of The Recollections of Three. Tobias was being hunted. He soon met and befriended Sames Muris and his alternate personality Alfred Bob. I, Karl Bickerstaff, met Tobias as a result of certain circumstances pertaining to his enemies, and, despite my better instincts, joined him and the mysterious Muris/Bob. Later, we encountered Torfis Teffleman, and it is that tale that makes up An Antediluvian Anachronism.

What of Book Two? you ask. I’m getting there. Book Two, Torfis’s Toilsome Tribulations, is being written by Torfis, and chronologically it takes place at the same time as The Ingenious Inception (which, remember, is Book One).

Book Four (yes, it is a trilogy. A four book trilogy) is, as yet, author-less, title-less, and unplanned. So don’t worry about that one yet.

So, to sum things up, The Recollections of Three is a four-book trilogy of which Tobias Hrothgar is writing the first book, Torfis Teffleman the second, I the third, and someone the fourth. That may or may not make sense to you. It will make more sense when they’re all done.

Until next time,

Karl Bickerstaff

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